Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What did Children do besides take Care of Their Mothers?

        Probably, you would think that children went to school, right?? Well you thought wrong!! Children didn't go to school because there weren't many schools on the eastern side of Europe. But I'm pretty sure there were some schools on the west side though. Let me think. OH, there are schools that are called Cathedrals, Monasteries, and Convents! These schools had lots of wealthy children attending these schools all the time. Also a lot of advanced children started going to these kinds of schools.

        Children were usually with their parents doing house work. Both boys and girls had chores to do just like modern day. They also did harvesting crops, carried water, and got firewood!!! Those are really HUGE jobs to do for a small family. The parents teach the children what they do for a living and how they work to get through adulthood.

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